South Devon Railway
'South Devon Diesel Traction'
NewsLetter 7

D8110 [20110]
At the start of July the loco sprang a fuel leak. This was due to a small bolt/screw coming out of the side of a fuel pump. This was repaired the following day. But on Sunday 29th July when doing some shunting, it come out once again. This time the small bolt/screw was lost, so a replacement one was found, fitted and wired up to stop it coming out again. The loco worked over the 'Branch Line' weekend (26/27 August.) with out fault. And again on 22l23 September for the Transport weekend. On Sunday 30th September the loco was involved in a major shunt of the site.
[D8118] 20118
The loco worked over Thomas, doing two and a half trips of the line on both days with only two fault. The first was that the cooker still needs bolting down, and the second was that oil was found over the generator and one of the turbo oil site glasses was white on `A' bank (not good). The `B' Bank was a better colour, but was a bit on the thick side, with a muddy feel to it. A week or so later the oil on the two turbochargers (both inner reservoirs) was changed and whilst the covers were off they were cleaned out. The engine was run up and the `A' bank started to turn a whitely colour, so the oil was changed once more. A test run was made on Thursday 26th July on the 17.15 diesel service to Totnes and return. On return to shed the `A' bank turbo was all OK, but `B' bank site glass was all blacked up again with no level showing. After a week or so the oil was changed again. The loco played a small part in the 'Branch Line' weekend (26/27 August) but again water was found in both the turbochargers. Some of the paint work on the engine compartment doors have started to bubble up in places. Four door have been taken off to be treated (two at a time). The paint work in the cab has now been finished. By the end of September, a start had been made to unbolt the turbochargers, so that one could be lifted out and taken apart to look for the crack in the casting. We do have two spares in stock which can be used if it's bad news, more next time. On the last day of  September saw one of turbochargers lifted out and taken to the workshop for inspection at a later date.
D7612 [25262, 25901]
Not had any work as it's now waiting for repair work to start once 20118 is running all OK. At the end of August the batteries had a two day charge up, but when the start button was pressed the lights all went dim and the engine would not turn over. It now looks like a cells have died. It's hope to get the loco into the workshop at some time during the winter, so the body work can be started and the coolant water leak sorted out. This loco was shunted into the workshop on Sunday 30th September, ready for work to start in October.
Class 09
Still being started every two weeks or so, and waiting for some work on it's wheels etc.
Below is part of a old T.O.P.S. printout (dated 5-10-79) for part of the Southern Region. This part comes from the LOCOS ON HAND OK. As can be seen 09002 or D3666 is at Newcross Gate PAD CCE and is over due an `A' exam by 92 hours, it arrived at Ol.XX on 21-9-79.
Class 127
The trailer has had it broken window replaced. The Ashburton end power car has had more coolant water leaks. This time a top house split next to the radiator, this was repair in between working the peak timetable, 17.15 departure. But the radiator still weeps water.
Class 122 - 55000
The unit had a repaint over the Thomas weekend thanks to some yobs. This has now been removed. The cab has now had some new bits welded into it on the top of the driver window, as well as a small piece along on the body side. The lino in the small saloon has been laid and trimmed along with the three hatches that come from the floor. The seat frames are now in place with some fixed down (once the old screw holds are found, that is!). A start on the big saloon has started with one of the small windows being remove for new rubbers to be fitted along with rust proofing around the window frame. This window was refitted in mid-September.
Now off of station & yard work only, other wise no change, apart from the alternator belt need adjusting up as the batteries now need some help from a battery charger to start the engine.
In service, no change from last time.
No change from last time.
South Devon Diesels' Drewry 04
This loco worked over Thomas without any vacuum working. The loco is now stopped until next year for repairs to be done
MINK - W 104700 - The roof is now starting to rip in places. A new replacement will soon be ordered.
CCT - No change. Has had a few trips to Totnes over May 20th, and a week in the siding at Bishops Bridge by mistake. It also had some use over the Steam Gala on Sat/Sun 16th & 17th June. 
SHOCK - No change
MINK `B' W125814 - By the start of August all of the inside work was finished, with one top coat of gloss and half the roof fitted. And by mid/late August the painting was finished and the roof was finished with a new covering put in place. This now leaves a new set of doors to be made and a set of numbers to be applied. Two small 24 volt tube lights have been fitted (one each end) and at some stage will be wired up to a battery. The doors have been finished and await delivery for fitting. The van was moved on Sunday 30th September, staying on the same road in the shed but a bit closer to the open end. The vacuum was tried and works fine.
Keep the aluminium drink cans coming in. 
Dates for Diary (Diesels running)

No more planned at present for 2001.
Working Weekends
Mostly Sundays at the moment.
If you turn up about between 09.30 and 10.00 someone will be around. But no guarantees on this.
Running Days
 No running days left this year


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